December 31, 2011
‘Twas the night before the new year
And all through Sarasota,
Folks welcomed in 2011,
While businesses reached their year-end quota.
Pundits scrutinized the year,
With a microscopic lens,
And people secretly hoped for a
Cross-the-board economic cleanse.
Talking heads spoke of worry,
Of a downturn and a slump;
While visions of recovery
Were met with a harumph.
And me in my cashmere,
Bracing an atypical Florida chill,
Had just settled my coachpoppy spreadsheet,
And finished the last electronic bill.
I sat back from my desk
And reviewed this year with the rest,
I so quickly determined,
For me, this year I was blessed!
Teens, George and Molly welcomed their sisters,
The Chicago- based sibs;
Kimmy and Matthew’s three massive bags,
Were topped off with pink baby bibs.
Kelly and Bryan traveled lightly,
And had breezed through security;
Check point agents with probes,
Waved them past with pleasant-like surety.
When out from my reverie,
There arose such a sound,
I leapt up from my laptop,
Climbing over boxes on the ground.
And there in the driveway
Stood a figure dressed in red;
Yet it wasn’t anyone complaining,
It was Santa instead.
He said he’d come back,
With a post Christmas gift;
It was sure to boost spirits
And give everyone a lift.
I was eager and intrigued,
Curious to know of this offer,
And silently wondered if his present,
Required a dip in the coffer.
The reindeer grazed and nibbled,
On our light-adorned shrubs,
While Geoff’s son, Jonathon,
Watched a recording of Scrubs.
I searched high and low for
A present from his sack;
And even twirled around Santa,
To see if was behind his back.
Nothing was evident,
I realized with a start,
My curiosity was explosive;
There was pounding in my heart.
With a jolly wry smile,
He pointed to his chest;
He said “The gift is right here;”
“When you discover it, it’s the best.”
“Your heart can’t be quantified,
By spreadsheets, quotas, and measures;
The gifts of family and loved ones –
You have 4 generations of treasures.”
“On positivity! Oh Mindfulness!
Optimism! Think Easy Street!”
“When you embrace all of these,
Your life will be full and complete.”
“What you imagine - will happen,”
He said with a wink;
The law of attraction abounds,
With how you feel and you think.”
“And you’ve re-found your soulmate,
Some say that’s sort of ‘cheesy,’
With positivity of mind and spirit,
Life with your Geoff is wonderfully easy.
“You’ve never been happier
I know that most will agree,
Now share love around you;
This is my Christmas decree.”
“Spread your good will;
A heartfelt smile ear to ear;
And know that we wish you,
Blessings throughout the new year.”
Santa waved to his reindeer,
Saying forgive those who feel maligned;
And smiled at me graciously:
“Continue to keep your heart well-aligned.”
New Year’s Blessing and Mindfully Yours,
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